FeFET technology solves one of the most pressing problems facing the semiconductor industry: providing embedded non-volatile memory (ENVM) technology for 28nm technology nodes.
Such memory technology has applications in both existing and emerging semiconductor markets. Existing applications include microcontrollers (market volume $25 billion) and systems-on-a-chip (another $25 billion), while emerging applications include the artificial intelligence market with an expected market volume of $56 billion.
The goal of the project “Innovations for the improvement of reliability properties and dissemination of the user portfolio in the field of ferroelectric memories” (dt.: “Innovationenfür die Verbesserung der Zuverlässigkeitseigenschaften und Verbreiterung des Anwendungsportfoliosauf dem Gebiet ferroelektrischer Speicher”, IOWA) is to further explore FeFET technology to meet the requirements of embedded non-volatile memory and make it available on an industrial scale together with FMC’s foundry partners. This will create the conditions for the development of these markets by a highly specialized company from Dresden, Saxony.
This project is supported and co-financed by the Europäischer Fond zur Förderung der regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) and Europäischer Sozialfond (ESF) of the Freistaat Sachsen.